We had a really fun trip out West this year. We accomplished missions, experienced surprises, and enjoyed the hot but arid weather of the West. It all started by a very early personal limousine ride (thanks, Da) to the bus stop, followed by an hour bus ride a 5-hour plane ride. In Los Angeles, we rented a minivan at the rental place, where these two patient siblings keep an eye on each other. It took over an hour in the afternoon LA rush hour traffic to reach the resort home in Corona. We were fortunate to have the Huang family join us for a couple of days. Here the two youngest folks enjoy the iPad activities in one of the three very comfortable living rooms. The very next day, we journeyed to the church Mormon Battalion Historic Site and ... rode on the wagon and ... posed with the soldiers and ... of course, panned for gold and ... were inducted as honorary members of the battalion. You have got to see this visitor center. It is co...