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Showing posts from April, 2015

Exchange Concert

My dear sweet wife has had this vision of organizing a Cultural Music Exchange by inviting choirs from the Chinese community to come to our chapel to share songs. The result was a smashing success on April 25 with 6 choirs participating and over 100 singers sharing songs. Before the concert, the choirs rehearsed in various rooms throughout the chapel. We came together for a final combined rehearsal in the chapel, and then we shared a simple meals together in the cultural hall. At the concert, each choir sang two songs, and at the end for a finale all six choirs combined sang two songs. Brother Thomas Jeng conducted the concert. I offered a few words of remarks at the end. Then we enjoyed refreshments, and socialized some more. My wife worked extremely hard, and it paid off. More details are available at the blog site of the Montgomery Chinese Branch .

University Graduation

Starting April 23, the eyes of the whole world focused on Jonathan (and thousands of other honorees). We descended upon Utah, as did tens of thousands of others, to celebrate his grand achievement of completing all of the requirements for graduation with a Computer Science bachelor's degree from Brigham Young University. The University Commencement took place in the Marriott Center. Grandpa Paul joined us in attending the conferrals of degrees by the university president. The next morning, we went to the Wilkinson Center, joined by Uncle Jackie and cousin Joanna, to see Jonathan receive his diploma. It is official. Jonathan has graduated. He will start a new job soon. Congratulations, Jonathan!