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Showing posts from July, 2017

Hill Cumorah Pageant

In the planning for a long time, we finally were able to take our friends, the Pascual's, to New York so they could see the Hill Cumorah Pageant for the first time.  We drove up the night before, picked up Joshua from Towson, and rested in Pennsylvania near the New York border.  In the morning, we visited the Aaronic Priesthood Restoration site in Susquehenna and the David Whitmer Farm in Fayette, NY, where the church was organized.  In Palmyra, we toured the Joseph Smith home and walked through the Sacred Grove.  We met Richard Wilson and his daughter, our friends from Vermont.  After dusk, we watched the Hill Cumorah Pageant under a chilly sky.  Then we drove all the back to Maryland overnight.

Piano Recital

Li-Fang held her piano recital at church for all of her students, young and old.  The final two students, were Alex and Molly Carbonell, who just finished their last and 10th year studying under the tutelage of Li-Fang.  A nice tribute was given to Alex and Molly for the fine progress they made over the years.

Fourth of July Parade

On the Fourth of July after the Kentlands Fourth of July breakfast, we rode into Washington DC, where Joshua and David (Chang) volunteered to walk a float in the big parade.  They wore bright green tee shirts and Fourth of July caps.