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Showing posts from July, 2009

Visit from Chou Family

In July, our family was treated to a delightful visit from Felipe & Petra Chou and their 4 children. As part of their whirlwind cross-country US history and Church history tour, they honored us by staying at our home for a few days. As such, they shared with us the celebration of the birthday of their daughter, Jesse. We shared with them the call letter for Jonathan. On Saturday, July 4, our families went to the National Zoo together in the morning. Since it was their anniversary, we took their kids to NIST to watch the Gaithersburg fireworks, while they went to the National Mall to watch the fireworks. On Monday evening before they left, we shared a memorable Family Home Evening together. Thanks, Chou family, for leaving us great memories of your visit. Come again! Tsai family.

Jonathan's Mission Call

Having travailed through an extra week of lab tests and physician affidavits, his mission papers were submitted one week later than his sister's. Nevertheless, the official white envelope did arrive in our mailbox yesterday. After work, Jonathan took a somber walk to our mailbox. When he started to scream, we knew it came. Nevertheless, out of respect and consideration for her sisters and mom, he exercised patience in waiting until today to open the envelope. After the caravan returned from Girls Camp, Jonathan pulled out the envelope. Again, the cameras converged upon the prospective missionary. He opened the envelope and read, "Elder Tsai, you are hereby called to labor in the Australia Melbourne West Mission for a period of 24 months. You are to enter the Missionary Training Center on September 30, 2009." Again our hearts are swelled with gratitude for these mission calls for Jessica and Jonathan, for the opportunity they have to serve, and for the preparation ...