Having travailed through an extra week of lab tests and physician affidavits, his mission papers were submitted one week later than his sister's. Nevertheless, the official white envelope did arrive in our mailbox yesterday. After work, Jonathan took a somber walk to our mailbox. When he started to scream, we knew it came. Nevertheless, out of respect and consideration for her sisters and mom, he exercised patience in waiting until today to open the envelope. After the caravan returned from Girls Camp, Jonathan pulled out the envelope. Again, the cameras converged upon the prospective missionary. He opened the envelope and read, "Elder Tsai, you are hereby called to labor in the Australia Melbourne West Mission for a period of 24 months. You are to enter the Missionary Training Center on September 30, 2009." Again our hearts are swelled with gratitude for these mission calls for Jessica and Jonathan, for the opportunity they have to serve, and for the preparation they have shown so far.
2024 was Ben's first full year of retirement from full-time federal government service. However, he decided to continue teaching engineering classes part-time at the local Montgomery College and fulfilled a dream this fall in teaching a math class. He picked up pickle ball, worked on family history, and started other projects. This year Li-Fang served as a counselor in the Relief Society Presidency at church and coordinated almost weekly activities for the women. Among these were rehearsals for line dance, social dance, and Latin dance. She is still having fun teaching private piano to more than a dozen students and art and sewing at VisArts. In the summer, we visited our children in Utah and returned to Taiwan. We are grateful for life and its many beautiful blessings. Merry Christmas from the Lin's! Life is good; kids are growing… In January, Trey is going to Primary and Blake will be going to Young Men's! Grace is still everyone’s frie...
Gee you do have a way of writing cliffhangers..maybe you should be writing instead of doing what ever secretive nuclear scientific research you do at the lab..haha
ReplyDeleteReally? I thought it sounded really cheesy.