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Showing posts from June, 2011

Graduation Barbecue

To celebrate the graduation of Joshua and 4 of his friends this year, we held our graduation barbecue tonight.   We  prepared and barbecued marinated chicken legs.   Simon came with his brother, Tony.   Ada drove all of her siblings here.   Alexis took Michelle and her mom.   Pearl came with her dad.   The whole Zhao family came.   After dinner, we held a FHE for the seniors.   We played games (unique activities and school trivia emceed by Tony), talked about Who Am I?, and heard testimonials and advice from parents.  Congratulations, seniors!

Joshua's High School Graduation

At the culmination of a distinguished secondary education, Joshua marched with his colleagues during the Damascus High School Commencement. Marked with various tassels on his hood, Joshua accepted his diploma from Principal Domergue. We, his family, willingly sat in the sun on the football bleachers to witness this climactic ceremony. After the ceremony, the family took him to Guapo's for a fine feast. Congratulations, Joshua, on a job well done.