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Showing posts from June, 2020

Sugarloaf Hike

On a very nice morning in June, we decided to get some physical exercise and hike up Sugarloaf Mountain.  We commenced our trek early in the morning, thinking that less people would be there.  Wow, were we mistaken.  Little did we know that everyone in Montgomery County thought the same way we did.  OK, not everyone thought that way, but by 9am, there were over 100 cars.  There was literally wall-to-wall hikers walking to and fro.  Despite the traffic, it was a very nice day to go outdoors.

Watkins Mill Bridge

 After 2 years, the long-awaited and long-promised Watkins Mill I270 Interchange was completed this year.  The 2-way, double lane, double exit, double entrance highway bridge connected the East and West sides of Watkins Mill Road, which have existed for ages.  On June 10, 2020, this new highway interchange, Exit 12, was officially opened. For us, this new interchange has impacted our lives in a major way and has for the most part improved our standard of living.  It now takes only a few minutes to cross the bridge to go to Kaiser or Costco.  In less than one minute, we can be on the I270 going north or south.  Fortunately for right now, the increase in traffic has been very minimal, in part due to the pandemic.  So, if you have not seen this new interchange, come on over and check it out.

Isabella Wang

A beautiful little girl of dear friends of ours was born on May 20, 2020.  They accepted our offer for them to stay in our home while my wife helped the mother and the baby acclimate to the real world.  Her name from her baby blessing to be given later on August 16 would be Isabella Wang.  What a beautiful name!  It was an honor to have them stay in our home for this short time.  Congratulations to the Wang family, and may the Lord prosper their family!